The Japan World Exposition 1970 was the first Expo to be held in Asia. Its theme was Progress and Harmony for Mankind, and it ran for 183 days from March 15 to September 13, 1970. The site covered about 330 hectares at Senri Hills in Osaka. The exhibitors included 76 countries, four international institutions, one administrative district (Hong Kong), three American states, one German city, two companies, and 32 organizations in Japan. Exhibits were shown at 116 pavilions. A major success, it was attended by more than 64 million people, by far a record for international expositions.

Duration 183 days from Sunday, March 15 to Sunday, September 13, 1970
Theme (Progress and Harmony for Mankind)
Participants from overseas 76 countries, four international institutions, one administrative district (Hong Kong), three American states, one German city, and two companies
Japanese participants 32 organizations (The Japanese government, the Preparatory Committee of the Local Governments’ Pavilion for the Japan World Exposition, two public enterprises, and 28 private companies)
Number attending 64,218,770 (a record for world expos) Highest number of visitors recorded for a single day: 836,000 (Saturday, September 5th) Average number of visitors per day: 350,000
Venue area 330 hectares
entrance fee,gate receipts Adults (23 yrs & up): ¥800 Youth (15-22 yrs): ¥600 Children (4-14 yrs): ¥400 (Average monthly income at the time: ¥50,000)


State at the time of Expo'70

Pavilion List



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